Public Services Level 2 First Certificate

This course aims to provide relevant education and training leading to employment within the Public Service industry.

  • Study Mode


  • Duration

    1 Year

  • Location

    Merrist Wood College

  • Pathway

    Public Services

Designed to be challenging, active, rewarding and diverse. Ideal if you are thinking about a career in the uniformed services.

The course reflects a vocational approach to a diversified Public Service sector industry and aims to give a learning experience combining theoretical course study with practical skills in a competitive environment.

All 16-19 year olds on full-time programmes will be required to retake GCSE English and Maths or to undertake Functional Skills, if they have not already attained the equivalent of a GCSE grade C in these subjects, every year of their course, until they complete their studies.

Suitable for anyone considering a career in uniformed Public Service – the Armed Forces, the Police, the Prison Service, HM Revenue and Customs, the Ambulance and Paramedic Services or the Fire and Rescue Service.

The course presents the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge required to access and embark on a successful career in a range of public uniformed services. The College provides unique outdoor facilities for mountain biking, orienteering and learning survival skills, including a woodland assault course. The course is taught by an expert teaching team with wide industry experience.

You will take part in trips and visits from external speakers and will have access to extensive outdoor facilities. The College has purpose built pitches for training, for football and rugby, as well as a weights room and sports hall. As well as this there are numerous local facilities including Surrey Sports Park (climbing, swimming, squash etc), Guildford Spectrum Centre (ice skating) and Quayside Water Sports (wakeboarding and waterskiing).

Course content:

  • Investigate employment in the uniformed services
  • Physical fitness for the uniformed services
  • Develop team working and problem solving
  • Health and safety in the uniformed services
  • Health and hygiene
  • Follow uniformed service routine
  • Exploring equality and diversity for the uniformed services
  • Carry out map reading and navigation
  • Explore the use of telecommunications in the uniformed services

Lessons take place in purpose built classrooms using interactive whiteboards and the latest teaching techniques by enthusiastic staff that are highly qualified and passionate about entering a Public Service. As well as classroom based work, the course includes visits, guest speakers, team building, practical sessions, an expedition and outdoor activity residential. Homework: Independent study will be required to complete assignments in order to meet deadlines. There will be an expectation that you will partake in regular training sessions in your own time to maintain an appropriate level of fitness for this course.

Your course consists of seven modules two of which are externally assessed (exams]
Unit 1: The role and work of the public services (exam)
Unit 2: Working Skills in the public service sector
Unit 3: Employment in the public services
Unit 5: Health, Fitness and lifestyle in the public services
Unit 6: Citizenship, society and the public services (exam)
Unit 7: Crime and its effects on society and individuals
Unit 11: Sport and recreation in the public services

Public Services Level 3 BTEC Diplomas. Careers with the Police, Fire, Ambulance, or Prison Services, Armed Forces or HM Revenue and Customs.

You need to have 2 GCSEs at grade 2 or above including Maths and English or a relevant level 1 qualification at Merit or above

Due to the specific nature of the programme there are additional costs for clothing, visits, travel, outdoor activities and residentials. There is a small cost for uniforms which is updated upon enrolment . Fees are payable at enrolment.

Explore your career progression options

If you are considering applying for this programme, why not explore your potential career progression routes using our handy tool.

You can explore live job vacancies, next level qualifications and apprenticeship standards in your local area. Not only this but you can also watch videos of real people talking about their experiences of working in your specific industry or occupation of interest.

Why not visit us at an Open Event and find out more about this pathway.


Dawn Rigby

Tutor Dawn Rigby I believe that young children need a special environment in which to grow and deserve practitioners who are inspiring, dynamic, reflective and passionate about their learning.
Read Dawn's full story here

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  • Clear routes of progression with qualifications ranging from foundation level to degree level!
  • Industry experienced teaching staff give you the responsibility and independence you need to take charge of your own future.
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    years of experience in teaching land-based subjects

  • 400

    -acre campus specialising in the land-based industries

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